Ok so these babies have been made in my family ever sense I was a tiny tot! And I am not gonna lie I have made them a 1000 times and I have watched good old mama D make them a 1000 times and that woman has some mad cornucopia skills! She does it with such ease! I think I burnt myself 20 times tonight!! But once I got the hang of it it wasn't too bad. So I made these little cornucopias for miss Madi's preschool Thanksgiving feast tomorrow. If you want to try some for your family here is all that you do..... (these have always sat by each place setting at our Thanksgiving dinners for the past 30+ years!)
You need: Ice cream cones, cellophane, ribbon, a tea pot, and runts
Put a little bit of water in your pot. At first I put too much and it didn't really work out for me (that's where the burns came in) I'm talking like an inch and a half. And let the water boil.
After the water is boiling, set your cone in the spout and sing a song do a dance whatever you want for about 30-40 seconds. This picture is a little deceiving though. I took my hand off to take the picture but in real life I had to hold the little button so the spout cap wouldn't smush my cone. Your cone should be soft, so you yank it out.
Grab a pencil or pen and roll up the bottom of the cone until it looks like this...

Then you fill that bad boy up with runts (get it the fruit in the cornucopia!) and put cellophane over the top tie a bow around and WALA! For the cellophane I cute circles out and I used zots to kind of hold it in place while I tied my ribbon. Have fun and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Labels: Thanksgiving, You should try it