I was pretty Bored tonight so I decided to play with some felt! And I came up with a little monster rice bag for my little man to snuggle up in bed with. You know those rice bags that we all have and love, you pop them in the microwave and then they heat up your feet or heal your sore back. Last year for Christmas I made me and a bunch of my girlfriends some, now my little boy just loves it. So I decided I would make him his very own and one that was maybe a little more his style!
This project is way simple, and so fun because there is NO WRONG WAY! and any mess ups don't matter at all because it just adds character to the little guys.
Step 1. This took the longest for me! Trying to decide the shape of his body! I ended up drawing this shape and you are more then welcome to print it if you want! But really look at it??? NO PERFECTION HERE! just draw some weird shape and you can make it into a monster body! After you have decided on the shape cut two pieces of that shape out of the felt. I just layered my pieces and cut them at the exact same time.
STEP 2. Next use your other felt pieces and give the guy some personality. Do what ever you please!! One eye, no eye, hair etc.
Step 3. Sew all of your little pieces to the top part of your monster. I have seen this done hand sewn or by machine. I used black thread because I thought the contrast would be a little fun but I don't think I love it! I also tried a new stitch on my machine around the eye balls, again not sure if I love it but whatever, it was fun to try out.

sewed my little claws up into the body so that when I turned the monster inside out they would stick out... Does that make sense? Look at the pic...Step 4. Sew right sides together all the way around. I left an opening on his foot to pour in the rice you can leave your opening where you think will be easiest to sew back up or to hide the opening.
Step 5. For some weird reason I store my rice in 2 liter bottles so I already had a funnel shape for the rice stuffing, so you can pour in your rice however you want!! (make a paper funnel or something) But go ahead and fill that bad boy up!
Step 6. Sew up your opening, Plop the guy into the microwave and give him to your buddy to snuggle up to to keep warm! Depending on how big you make your monster depends on how long to keep it in the microwave. For my normal one I usually do 2 min but that was too long for this little guy, I'd say 1 min to 1 1/2 min is good.
I think this is a fun little boy gift idea, I might make them for my little man to give to all of his little buddies. This monster is kind of small, I think next time I will make a bigger one, but this would be great for pocket warmers and just a little warmer for bed! Have fun! Send me pics if you make one!
P.S. what about cute flowers or hearts for girls?? or Valentines gifts!
Labels: christmas gifts, gift idea, little boys, You should try it