A fun little Mama and daughter tutorial!
A Picture Pocket Pillow
My 5 year old honey got a sewing machine from Grandma D for Christmas! She was sooo excited and has been even more excited to try it out. Well now that things have calmed down a bit we pulled out the machines yesterday and got creative. I asked her what she wanted to make and she sat there thinking and then all by her self came up with the idea of a heart pillow with a place to put a picture on front. I was shocked! And then I thought what a great tutorial lets do it! 
**So first step pick out your fabric! You know you have scraps lying around use them!! I was kind of trying to convince my little dear to use some fabrics that match her pale pink and sea foam blue room but she preferred BRIGHT ORANGE AND PINK!! So that's what we did! :)
**Next choose your shape. I had some large butcher paper so I had Miss Madi draw a heart on the paper and then we pinned it to the fabric. (The fabric was folded so that we were cutting the front and back at the same time.) After your desired shape is pinned, cut it out baby!
We did our ruffle trim next. The width is up to you. Mad wanted a wider trim so we chose to cut our strips 4 inches wide. The length depends on how much ruffle you want and how much you want to gather it. I usually do the length twice as wide as the length of the original project.
**Iron your trims to have a finished edge. We ironed a half inch and then folded another half inch and ironed again. (obviously this is the long side of the trim!)
**Iron a straight stitch down your folded edge to finish it...
**And then on the unfinished edge we are going to sew a gathering stitch. Do you remember how to do a gathering stitch??? Set your stitch on your machine to the largest setting and without back stitching sew away all the way down your trim. After that is sewn grab one of the threads ( I prefer the bobbin thread) and pull. It will start to gather.
** For the picture pocket, I know that there is plastic fabric that you can purchase, but this project was done on a whim coming straight from miss Madi's head. He had sleeping babies to deal with so we needed to use what we had around the house! So I went to my craft cupboard and found some old scrapbook page protectors. These worked great!!
**We chose a regular 4X6 rectangle for our pocket but cut out your shape and place it on your front pillow, (the one with the trim sewn to it already) Then stitch only the sides and bottom. Leave the top opened so you can slip the picture inside. I wanted to use bright pink thread for this and a fancy flower stitch but Madi had her mind set on orange thread and a straight stitch. I did the zig zag anyways thinking she wouldn't notice or care but OOHHHH she did! And she wasn't too happy. I personally like the zig zag better though I think it just adds a little more detail! :)
**Turn it right side out and then STUFF the heck out of it!
Labels: gift idea, little girl, You should try it
Oh, what a fun project for her! I love that you were able to add a photo to the front!
Wow what a fun project, I love the bright and vibrant colors she picked. They are so happy☺
What a cute idea. Would you care if I linked to it on my blog?
She's so adorable!
Great job, momma =) she's going to be so smart and creative thanks to you!
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