Friday, November 5, 2010

I have a confession...And a Friday Linky

It's actually really funny! A little over a year ago I thought I had this BRILLIANT idea! I was at the park with my kids and I sat there thinking I should start a craft blog. And on the blog I will post all of the crafts I do and instructions for them, then my kids and I will forever have record of what we have done, but also all of my friends can know how to make it all too! I seriously thought I was a genius! I seriously thought I was the only one who had ever thought of such an amazing concept! So I started it and then I started googling craft blogs and searching the Internet! GUESS I AM NOT THAT ORIGINAL with the whole crafting blog idea! HOLY CRAP! I could not believe how many people are out there crafting and blogging! It is insane! But I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I blog for a creative outlet from my everyday duties as a mama! I blog to create and to be inspired by everyone else's creations! The worst best part about a crafty blog is when you have this great creation idea in your head and you just haven't gotten to it yet and then days later you see it on someone elses blog!!! It ALWAYS amazes me because it makes me realize how we crafty insane ladies all think somewhat alike! It is really so weird I can see a perfect something in my head and then minutes later find a replica on another site and I think did I copy that or did we really both think up the same thing, more or less. Does anyone else do that???So inspire me! Share your blogs and let us all come stop by! Anyone can add their crafty links! If you are up to it add the Friday linky party button to your blog and come back next week too! Happy Crafting!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! It is awesome how many adorable craft blogs there are to gain inspiration!!

November 6, 2010 at 12:28 AM  

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